95 research outputs found

    La percezione dell'immagine di Benetton Group sul World Wide Web: la prospettiva del consumatore

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    La finalità di questa ricerca consiste nell’individuare l’immagine percepita di Benetton Group attraverso il canale web sotto quattro profili: il consumatore, l’azionista, il consumatore eticamente responsabile, la responsabilità sociale. Il loro viene svolto con la collaborazione di altri studenti, ognuno si occupa di un profilo specifico dei quattro sopra menzionati. In questo specifico lavoro sarà trattato il profilo del consumatore, cioè saranno raccolte le opinioni che i vari clienti Benetton lasciano sul web. Tale ricerca risulta interessante proprio perché oggi le imprese si trovano a lavorare in mercati altamente competitivi ed emerge la necessità di avere una forte corporate image in grado di suscitare interesse nella mente del consumatore. Visto che la ricerca delle opinioni è svolta attraverso il canale internet è stato necessario fare un approfondimento teorico sia sulle caratteristiche di questo sia sul funzionamento dei motori di ricerca. In pratica la ricerca delle opinioni lasciate dallo stakeholder di riferimento avviene attraverso l’inserimento di opportune parole chiavi, create con vari test e con l’aiuto di Benetton Group. Tali parole sono inserite all’interno dei motori di ricerca, i quali restituiscono i link al cui interno si trovano le opinioni dei vari consumatori. Tutte queste opinioni sono state poi ricondotte ad uno schema comune in modo da poter essere analizzate, per questo è stata creata una griglia con il compito di rendere “uniformi” tutte le opinioni lasciate dai consumatori. Una volta raccolte le opinioni è stato necessario analizzarle per arrivare poi alla conclusione su quale fosse l’immagine percepita dallo stakeholder consumatore. L’analisi è stata condotta in modo da individuare il numero dei risultati positivi, negativi e incerti conseguentemente per le tre tipologie di risultati sono state individuate le frasi più significative che giustificano il giudizio espresso, in quelle frasi si trova l’immagine percepita del consumatore. E’ possibile dunque affermare che la ricerca effettuata ha dato dei risultati che permettono di definire l’immagine percepita dal consumatore e questa è stato possibile confrontarla con l’identità e l’immagine riflessa di Benetton Group. Ma è opportuno anche precisare che questi risultati non hanno certo la presunzione di esaurire il tema della misurazione dell’immagine attraverso la rete, vista la vastità di quest’ultima. Si tratta quindi di un modello di analisi di tipo qualitativo che dimostra la fattibilità di una ricerca di questo genere e che è in grado di dare alcune informazioni sull’immagine percepita e valutare se esiste la coerenza tra questa e quella che l’azienda ha di se stessa. Di seguito ci si appresta a descrivere come si è sviluppato il lavoro. Il primo capitolo descrive i temi della corporate identity, corporate image, corporate reputation e corporate brand, sottolineando la vastità dei contributi presenti in dottrina sia derivanti dagli studi di strategia che di marketing. Nel secondo capitolo si descrive il World Wide Web dalla sue origini fino ad oggi, le sue modalità di funzionamento, come è strutturato, descrivendo anche i canali utilizzati sul web per la comunicazione alcuni dei quali sono stati poi utilizzati anche per la ricerca. Nel terzo capitolo vengono descritti i motori di ricerca; cioè quali sono i più utilizzati, quale funzione hanno, quali sono le modalità con le quali ricercano le informazioni sul web, l’importanza per le aziende della visibilità sui motori di ricerca. Nel quarto capitolo viene descritto il Gruppo Benetton partendo da una panoramica generale, passando poi a delineare i tratti fondamentali del modello di business, l’evoluzione e lo stato attuale dei marchi posseduti dal gruppo, la strategia realizzata e infine la comunicazione del Gruppo dalle origini fino ad oggi. Nel quinto capitolo viene descritta la metodologia con la quale è stato svolto il lavoro, partendo dalle modalità per l’individuazione delle parole chiavi passando poi alla descrizione della creazione delle griglie sino ad arrivare ai criteri utilizzati per la rilevazione dei risultati. Nel sesto capitolo si affronta il tema dell’analisi dei risultati, cioè sono stati creati indici e grafici utili a misurare i dati rilevati e le motivazioni, inoltre è stata analizzata l’attendibilità dei principali siti web e blog utilizzati per la ricerca ed infine, dopo l’analisi dei dati, sono state tratte le conclusioni confrontando l’identità aziendale comunicata con l’immagine percepita dal consumatore. Sembra opportuno sottolineare che i capitoli riguardanti più da vicino la ricerca operativa sono il quinto e il sesto comprensivo di conclusioni, mentre i primi quattro sono capitoli teorici utili ad introdurre il tema oggetto di analisi

    An Individual-based Probabilistic Model for Fish Stock Simulation

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    We define an individual-based probabilistic model of a sole (Solea solea) behaviour. The individual model is given in terms of an Extended Probabilistic Discrete Timed Automaton (EPDTA), a new formalism that is introduced in the paper and that is shown to be interpretable as a Markov decision process. A given EPDTA model can be probabilistically model-checked by giving a suitable translation into syntax accepted by existing model-checkers. In order to simulate the dynamics of a given population of soles in different environmental scenarios, an agent-based simulation environment is defined in which each agent implements the behaviour of the given EPDTA model. By varying the probabilities and the characteristic functions embedded in the EPDTA model it is possible to represent different scenarios and to tune the model itself by comparing the results of the simulations with real data about the sole stock in the North Adriatic sea, available from the recent project SoleMon. The simulator is presented and made available for its adaptation to other species.Comment: In Proceedings AMCA-POP 2010, arXiv:1008.314

    Automated Analysis of MUTEX Algorithms with FASE

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    In this paper we study the liveness of several MUTEX solutions by representing them as processes in PAFAS s, a CCS-like process algebra with a specific operator for modelling non-blocking reading behaviours. Verification is carried out using the tool FASE, exploiting a correspondence between violations of the liveness property and a special kind of cycles (called catastrophic cycles) in some transition system. We also compare our approach with others in the literature. The aim of this paper is twofold: on the one hand, we want to demonstrate the applicability of FASE to some concrete, meaningful examples; on the other hand, we want to study the impact of introducing non-blocking behaviours in modelling concurrent systems.Comment: In Proceedings GandALF 2011, arXiv:1106.081

    Hcverso1 and 2: Faldaprevir with deleobuvir (BI 207127) and ribavirin for treatment-naïve patients with chronic hepatitis C virus genotype-1b infection

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    he interferon-free combination of once-daily faldaprevir 120 mg, twice-daily deleobuvir 600 mg, and weight-based ribavirin was evaluated in two Phase III studies (HCVerso1, HCVerso2) in hepatitis C virus genotype-1b-infected, treatment-naïve patients, including those ineligible for peginterferon (HCVerso2). Patients without cirrhosis were randomized to 16 weeks (Arm 1; n=208 HCVerso1, n=213 HCVerso2) or 24 weeks (Arm 2; n=211 in both studies) of faldaprevir + deleobuvir + ribavirin. Patients with compensated cirrhosis received open-label faldaprevir + deleobuvir + ribavirin for 24 weeks (Arm 3; n=51, n=72). Primary endpoints were comparisons of adjusted sustained virologic response (SVR) rates with historical rates: 71% (HCVerso1) and 68% (HCVerso2). Adjusted SVR12 rates were significantly greater than historical controls for Arms 1 and 2 in HCVerso2 (76%, 95% confidence interval [CI] 71-81, P=0.002; 81%, 95% CI 76-86, P<0.0001) and Arm 2 in HCVerso1 (81%, 95% CI 77-86, P<0.0001), but not for Arm 1 of HCVerso1 (72%, 95% CI 66-77, P=0.3989). Unadjusted SVR12 rates in Arms 1, 2, and 3 were 71.6%, 82.5%, and 72.5%, respectively, in HCVerso1 and 75.6%, 82.0%, and 73.6%, respectively, in HCVerso2. Virologic breakthrough and relapse occurred in 24-week arms in 8%-9% and 1% of patients, respectively, and in 16-week arms in 7%-8% and 9%-11% of patients, respectively. The most common adverse events were nausea (46%-61%) and vomiting (29%-35%). Adverse events resulted in discontinuation of all medications in 6%-8% of patients. In treatment-naïve patients with hepatitis C virus genotype-1b infection, with or without cirrhosis, faldaprevir + deleobuvir + ribavirin treatment for 24 weeks resulted in adjusted SVR12 rates significantly higher than historical controls. Both studies were registered in ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT01732796, NCT01728324)

    Unravelling biocultural population structure in 4th/3rd century BC Monterenzio Vecchio (Bologna, Italy) through a comparative analysis of strontium isotopes, non-metric dental evidence, and funerary practices

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    The 4th century BC marks the main entrance of Celtic populations in northern Italy. Their arrival has been suggested based on the presence of Celtic customs in Etruscan mortuary contexts, yet up to now few bioarchaeological data have been examined to support or reject the arrival of these newcomers. Here we use strontium isotopes, non-metric dental traits and funerary patterns to unravel the biocultural structure of the necropolis of Monterenzio Vecchio (Bologna, Italy). Subsamples of our total sample of 38 individuals were analyzed based on different criteria characterizing the following analyses: 1) strontium isotope analysis to investigate migratory patterns and provenance; 2) non-metric dental traits to establish biological relationships between Monterenzio Vecchio, 13 Italian Iron age necropolises and three continental and non-continental Celtic necropolises; 3) grave goods which were statistically explored to detect possible patterns of cultural variability. The strontium isotopes results indicate the presence of local and non-local individuals, with some revealing patterns of mobility. The dental morphology reveals an affinity between Monterenzio Vecchio and Iron Age Italian samples. However, when the Monterenzio Vecchio sample is separated by isotopic results into locals and non-locals, the latter share affinity with the sample of non-continental Celts from Yorkshire (UK). Moreover, systematic analyses demonstrate that ethnic background does not retain measurable impact on the distribution of funerary elements. Our results confirm the migration of Celtic populations in Monterenzio as archaeologically hypothesized on the basis of the grave goods, followed by a high degree of cultural admixture between exogenous and endogenous traits. This contribution shows that combining different methods offers a more comprehensive perspective for the exploration of biocultural processes in past and present populations

    Unravelling biocultural population structure in 4th/3rd century BC Monterenzio Vecchio (Bologna, Italy) through a comparative analysis of strontium isotopes, non-metric dental evidence, and funerary practices.

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    The 4th century BC marks the main entrance of Celtic populations in northern Italy. Their arrival has been suggested based on the presence of Celtic customs in Etruscan mortuary contexts, yet up to now few bioarchaeological data have been examined to support or reject the arrival of these newcomers. Here we use strontium isotopes, non-metric dental traits and funerary patterns to unravel the biocultural structure of the necropolis of Monterenzio Vecchio (Bologna, Italy). Subsamples of our total sample of 38 individuals were analyzed based on different criteria characterizing the following analyses: 1) strontium isotope analysis to investigate migratory patterns and provenance; 2) non-metric dental traits to establish biological relationships between Monterenzio Vecchio, 13 Italian Iron age necropolises and three continental and non-continental Celtic necropolises; 3) grave goods which were statistically explored to detect possible patterns of cultural variability. The strontium isotopes results indicate the presence of local and non-local individuals, with some revealing patterns of mobility. The dental morphology reveals an affinity between Monterenzio Vecchio and Iron Age Italian samples. However, when the Monterenzio Vecchio sample is separated by isotopic results into locals and non-locals, the latter share affinity with the sample of noncontinental Celts from Yorkshire (UK). Moreover, systematic analyses demonstrate that ethnic background does not retain measurable impact on the distribution of funerary elements. Our results confirm the migration of Celtic populations in Monterenzio as archaeologically hypothesized on the basis of the grave goods, followed by a high degree of cultural admixture between exogenous and endogenous traits. This contribution shows that combining different methods offers a more comprehensive perspective for the exploration of biocultural processes in past and present populations

    GEHEP 010 study: Prevalence and distribution of hepatitis B virus genotypes in Spain (2000–2016)

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    [Objective] To study the prevalence and distribution of HBV genotypes in Spain for the period 2000–2016.[Methods] Retrospective study recruiting 2559 patients from 17 hospitals. Distribution of HBV genotypes, as well as sex, age, geographical origin, mode of transmission, HDV-, HIV- and/or HCV-coinfection, and treatment were recorded.[Results] 1924 chronically HBV native Spanish patients have been recruited. Median age was 54 years (IQR: 41–62), 69.6% male, 6.3% HIV-coinfected, 3.1% were HCV-coinfected, 1.7% HDV-co/superinfected. Genotype distribution was: 55.9% D, 33.5% A, 5.6% F, 0.8% G, and 1.9% other genotypes (E, B, H and C). HBV genotype A was closely associated with male sex, sexual transmission, and HIV-coinfection. In contrast, HBV genotype D was associated with female sex and vertical transmission. Different patterns of genotype distribution and diversity were found between different geographical regions. In addition, HBV epidemiological patterns are evolving in Spain, mainly because of immigration. Finally, similar overall rates of treatment success across all HBV genotypes were found.[Conclusions] We present here the most recent data on molecular epidemiology of HBV in Spain (GEHEP010 Study). This study confirms that the HBV genotype distribution in Spain varies based on age, sex, origin, HIV-coinfection, geographical regions and epidemiological groups.This study has been funded in part by the funds of the research project GEHEP-2018-010, granted by the Hepatitis Group of the Spanish Society of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology (Grupo de Hepatitis de la Sociedad Española de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiología Clínica, GEHEP/SEIMC)

    Retrospective immunophenotypical evaluation of MET, PD-1/PD-L1, and mTOR pathways in primary tumors and pulmonary metastases of renal cell carcinoma: the RIVELATOR study addresses the issue of biomarkers heterogeneity

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    Aim: In renal cell carcinoma (RCC), tumor heterogeneity generated challenges to biomarker development and therapeutic management, often becoming responsible for primary and acquired drug resistance. This study aimed to assess the inter-tumoral, intra-tumoral, and intra-lesional heterogeneity of known druggable targets in metastatic RCC (mRCC). Methods: The RIVELATOR study was a monocenter retrospective analysis of biological samples from 25 cases of primary RCC and their paired pulmonary metastases. The biomarkers analyzed included MET, mTOR, PD-1/PD-L1 pathways and the immune context. Results: High multi-level heterogeneity was demonstrated. MET was the most reliable biomarker, with the lowest intratumor heterogeneity: the positive mutual correlation between MET expression in primary tumors and their metastases had a significantly proportional intensity (P = 0.038). The intratumor heterogeneity grade was significantly higher for the mTOR pathway proteins. Combined immunophenotypical expression patterns and their correlations with the immune context were uncovered [i.e., mTOR expression in the metastases positively correlated with PD-L1 expression in tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs), P = 0.019; MET expression was related to PD-1 expression on TILs (P = 0.041, ρ = 0.41) and peritumoral lymphocytes (RILs; P = 0.013, ρ = 0.49)], suggesting the possibility of predicting drug response or resistance to tyrosine kinase, mTOR, or immune checkpoint inhibitors. Conclusions: In mRCC, multiple and multi-level assays of potentially predictive biomarkers are needed for their reliable translation into clinical practice. The easy-to-use immunohistochemical method of the present study allowed the identification of different combined expression patterns, providing cues for planning the management of systemic treatment combinations and sequences in an mRCC patient population. The quantitative heterogeneity of the investigated biomarkers suggests that multiple intralesional assays are needed to consider the assessment reliable for clinical considerations